We offer a home for churches, clergy, and other ministries who want to affiliate with a continuing movement toward the renewal of all things rooted in the Great Tradition.
We offer the following:-Bishops are servant leaders who seek to collaborate with clergy. No top down bureaucracy.
-No mandatory requirements to fund the national church / province.
-Your ministry maintains all property ownership rights. Anyone wishing to disaffiliate only needs to provide a 30-day written notice. We are convinced that the culture, space, and covering of AFFA will be a positive, healthy, and hopeful place of ministry wherever you find yourself.
-You will receive oversight, counsel, and care provided by bishops should illegal, immoral, or unethical activity occur. All illegal activity is immediately reported and there is no red tape in addressing any concerns.
-Respect for theological differences and tensions in a time where this reality tends to splinter and divide.
-Respect for our individual consciences. Following and leading in the Way of Christ requires our ethical conscience to be respected.
We offer an environment of mutual respect and collaboration. Our culture of inclusivity, hope, and love is a compelling reality in a time of division and isolation.
If you are interested in learning more about affiliation of your ministry with the Anglican Free Fellowship of America, please: Contact Us or call (931) 463-1604.